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Positive Creativity Playshop Mind Chatter Edition

Wed, Sep 30



Got mind chatter? You're not alone! Not by a long stretch! How about exploring a little about the inner workings of your thinking and learn fun ways to work WITH your thoughts, instead of having them work you? it's time to play and have fun with creativity as we learn new skills. Let your silly out!

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Positive Creativity Playshop Mind Chatter Edition
Positive Creativity Playshop Mind Chatter Edition

Time & Location

Sep 30, 2020, 6:00 PM – 7:45 PM EDT


About the Event

This is for you if you can relate to mind chatter, mad hatters, jibber jabber, and silly banter!

What's mind chatter? Umm......what isn't mind chatter? 

Bugged by the monkey mind? Inner gremlin got you down? How about learning fun ways to work WITH your thoughts, instead of having them work you? It's time to play and have fun with creativity as we learn new skills to manage annoying mind chatter and negative patterns of thinking that derail you in life. 

You can tame that Monkey mind! 🙉

Join us as we blend positive psychology skills and fun (sometimes silly) creative play in innovative ways to work with inner dialogue loops, especially that ever present friend-enemy mind chatter.

Playing with voice, music, movement, theater games, and art we will explore the 5 different types of mind chatter, explore ways to counter 3 common cognitive distortions, and learn how to apply positive psychology tools to gently and kindfully manage those annoying and often self-sabotaging mind chatter judgements. If you have ever felt overwhelmed with being self-conscious or like negative self-judgement thoughts are always buzzing around getting in the way...this is the topic for you! **CLICK BELOW TO READ MORE**

If you are feeling cranky, judgemental, and discouraged lately or just wondering how to process it all, you are not alone. Here's your chance to work through some tension, manage inner chatter, process negative thoughts, gain insights through creative expression, and get your sillies out. Although you can’t remove all negativity from your life or your thoughts, you can learn how to 'stress well' and manage inner gremlins using resilience tools and creative play.

Come play! In this informal zoom gathering we can explore creative activities and positive psychology skills mixed together to bring you Mental Mastery of chatter.

No prior experience needed, of course! Using creative expression in playful ways will lead us into art making so be sure to have paper and any colors of pens, crayons, or markers available. We’ll also be playing with creative sound making and vocal explorations such as conversations of gibberish, imagining sound qualities of found objects, and playing with rhythms. Silly hats and props are warmly welcome and bring along any instruments you may have too. Pots and pans and found objects definitely count as instruments!

Your Playshop guides are long-time siblings in the world of silly creative play, Nina Sherak ( and Ron Kravitz (

  • Ron is a master facilitator of improvisational vocal and rhythm expression, a Music for People facilitator, and the owner of Music in the Moment where he teaches many music, drumming, and vocal groove workshops, and hosts his world-famous concert series, Underground at Ron's. To hear Ron's original music recordings and learn more about his background, the instruments he sells, and classes visit   Nina has a varied background that includes certification in positive psychology and a BFA in dance and an MS in Exercise Physiology. She is a certified Resilience trainer, life coach, Mastermind leader, Group Motion dance workshop facilitator, and all-around curious person. Nina is always up for exploring crazy, playful collisions of movement, sound, and art expression.  

It's time to get off the negative thinking loop! Learn science-based practical skills to creatively and mindfully work with both your negative and positive thoughts in new, more helpful ways. Let's amp up our resilience together with play. Register here, pay what you can, have fun!

After registering make sure to check your email 'Updates' folder for your email confirmation and zoom link to join the event.


  • Regular registration :)

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  • A little strapped now :0

    Make sure to check your email 'Updates' folder for your confirmation and zoom link to join the event.

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  • Super strapped now :l

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  • Low on $ <3

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3911 Concord Pike #7466
Wilmington, Delaware 19803

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